Monday, May 9, 2016

SAM [STANLEY] BASEFSKY in (LONDON) THE STARS AND STRIPES Wednesday, Feb. 9, 1944 page 2 "Peanut Butter Story"

Pase 2 THE STARS AND STRIPES Wednesday, Feb. 9, 1944

Sgt. Sam Basefsky thought he was
making a big hit on a date when he
gave the girl a jar of peanut butter he
received in a Xmas package. Several
weeks later he met her again and the girl
complained the peanut butter "hadn't
made much difference." Basefsky headed
for the nearest pub when she revealed
she had been massaging her face with it.

  (see upright corner of page)

Kirk Basefsky's excellent portrayal of Prince Rupert in SLEEPING BEAUTY OF LORELAND at Bonfils Children's Theatre (Denver, Colorado)

The following picture is an enlargement of the one that follows. Kirk is Prince Rupert on the right. He stole the show according to the review.

or at (see fourth row of pictures on left).